13 characteristics that good language teachers share:
‘ A good teacher opens a window to the world ‘
A good teacher listens to questions. He is responsive, and he always remembers that each student and each group is different.
A good teacher is empathetic and must put himself in his student’s shoes and see his class from their perspective.
He is patient and should never give up on a student. He should find new strategies to find the one that eventually works.
A good teacher has high expectations. You should strive to raise the bar for your students. It’s about pushing them to excel. At the same time, a good teacher is also human and respects others.
He is an open window to the world.
He does not always have a fixed agenda. Not only that, but he is flexible, experimenting, and has the confidence to react and adapt himself to changing circumstances.
A good teacher is organized.
A good teacher has a sense of humor. It’s often about making innocuous jokes, mostly at his own expense so that the ice breaks. It will make classes more enjoyable for the students and possibly make them look forward to attending and paying attention.
He is able to create lessons that are fun and energetic. He should be creative to make lessons that grab his students’ attention and make them want to come back.
A good teacher has a positive attitude. A positive attitude is generally a great asset in life, especially in the teaching profession.
He is joyful.
Eventually, a good language teacher has fun and pleasure during a class.