Want to sponsor a child
deprived of his education?
EcoleDeLangues.be and the NGO ADPM
(Action Développement Parrainages Mondiaux)
collaborate for the benefit of out-of-school children

Action Développement Parrainages Mondiaux
The ADPM association is the result of Parrainages mondiaux founded by Father Dominique Pire.
The latter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1958. Its social purpose is focused on the education of refugee, displaced and conflict-affected children and young people. The association works in 3 countries that have experienced war: Lebanon, Rwanda and Burundi.
She makes every effort to ensure that the children supported receive social and educational support in order to help offer them a better future and prevent them from working from an early age.
Children deprived of schooling around the world …
According to the UN, in 2019, around 260 million children did not go to school, 50% of them in conflict zones.
During periods of confinement, access to education is suspended for children, but it also continues after the end of conflicts.
The association’s Facebook page presents some of their actions! Support them!
It is time to offer these children the opportunity to have an education for a better future!